Submit your Eemployment Equity Report – Deadline 15 October 2020

EE online submissions are now open for 2020/21  Opened: 1 September 2020  Closes: 15 January 2021 We urge all designated companies to submit the relevant info no later than 15 October 2020, to avoid delays and non-submission. Avoid EE fines or R1.5 million or 2% of your Annual Turnover. Who must report in 2020  [...]

By |2020-09-10T09:23:39+02:00September 10th, 2020|news|0 Comments

Register for Employment Equity Committee Training – Webinar

(Interactive Full Day Workshop) Book your seat now Employment Equity Submissions have started and the deadline is 15th January 2021. The objective of this workshop is to give an overview of the Employment Equity Act. Upon completion of the course, the candidate will able to demonstrate an understanding of the Employment Equity Act, a company's [...]

By |2020-09-01T11:13:21+02:00September 1st, 2020|news|0 Comments

The Ins And Outs Of Employment Equity

Employees Should Understand An alarming number of workers in South African do not learn about labour law, despite the fact that the laws are available to the public.  In a country where transformation has been high on agenda ever since 1998, overall corporate transformation is apparently only cheap talk with numerous South African employees crying [...]

By |2019-11-26T13:08:50+02:00December 22nd, 2019|news|0 Comments

Employment Equity Regulations – What you need to know

To the CEO and HR or EE Managers Please read below and reply “BOOKING” should you like to book. Note that the Employment Equity Regulations has changed as per the Government Gazette, 8 August 2019. You will need to familiarise yourself with the changes before you submit your EE reports between today and 15 January [...]

By |2019-11-26T13:07:44+02:00December 21st, 2019|news|0 Comments

Why Skills Development Matters in SA

The development of your staff is very important in business, mainly because they are the driving force in moving your business forward. Regular skills development is essential in ensuring ongoing business development. There are a number of important reasons why skills development training can be beneficial to the business and should therefore be made a [...]

By |2019-06-18T06:10:24+02:00August 6th, 2018|news|0 Comments

Workplace Skills Plan (WSP) and Annual Training Report (ATR)

The WSP and ATR submission deadline was on the 31st of March 2018. Preparing and submitting these documents can be very time-consuming, confusing and stressful. What is a Workplace Skills Plan? The Workplace Skills Plan (WSP) is intended to document the skills needs in a company The Workplace Skills Plan (WSP) is intended to document [...]

By |2019-06-18T06:10:25+02:00July 26th, 2018|news|0 Comments

Countdown to Employment Equity Submissions

The Department of Labour (DOL) takes non-compliance with the provisions of the Employment Equity Act and shows that they will not hesitate to bring the maximum penalty against defaulters. If you are a designated employer, you have only 2 months to prepare for your Employment Equity Report submissions. Designated employers are those that either have [...]

By |2019-06-18T06:10:25+02:00July 18th, 2018|news|0 Comments

The difference between HR and IR

Industrial Relations vs Human Resource Management Difference between industrial relations and human resource management is that industrial relations is about establishing relationships among the stakeholders while human resource management is about managing the human resource in an organisation. This article analyses these two concepts and the difference between industrial relations and human resource management in [...]

By |2019-06-18T06:10:26+02:00July 17th, 2018|news|0 Comments

The South African Basic Conditions of Employment Act

The Basic Conditions of Employment Act is the yardstick against which this is measured. This document stipulates the conditions under which employees, both South African and foreign, must be employed. Your work visa would not have been approved if your South African employer does not meet the requirements of the Act. However, this does not [...]

By |2019-06-18T06:10:26+02:00July 17th, 2018|news|0 Comments