Stop reclining your airplane seat.

Two domestic airlines already limit your ability to lean back in economy class. Even if the airline doesn’t make the decision for you, it’s the polite thing to do. And, most important, it’s the right thing to do.

“Seat reclining is one of the most irritating, inconvenient, self-indulgent habits,” says Simon Sapper, an organizational consultant and frequent traveler based in London. “Period.”

But click around the internet for a while, and you’ll find that this debate is far from settled. Many of the blogosphere’s “experts” believe it’s their God-given right to recline. Ironically, the loudest seat recliners don’t even fly in economy class.

Ban them!  3 types of passengers who don’t deserve to be allowed on planes

There isn’t any room to recline your seat

So, as a public service, let’s settle this argument now. Reclining your airline seat is unacceptable because we’re officially out of space. It’s rude – and it’s wrong.