Skills development continues to play a pivotal role in the country’s economy amidst the Stats SA’s report revealed in February, stating that overall employment in South Africa had increased by 1, 5 % in the fourth quarter of 2016 with about 235 000 jobs created.

Fundamentally, skills development remains South Africa’s much-needed remedy in order to improve the workers’ quality of life, prospects of work and labour mobility.

One cannot shy away from the fact that substantial economic benefit is mainly the driving force behind skills development whilst productivity in the workplace and the competitiveness of employers continue to improve. Self-employment and improved delivery of social services also become necessary benefits in the process.

Our government has wittingly taken advantage of the social importance of skills development by intensely addressing the B-BBEE codes that were updated in 2016. This has resulted in the advancement of skills development to become an element of extraordinary significance, resulting in South African companies understanding the concept and implementing it for their benefit.


Understanding skills development for B-BBEE

The Department of Trade and Industry emphasizes the importance of employers prioritizing equipping their workforce, including new entrants in the workplace, with additional skills. The practice will, according to the department, develop employable youth with sustainable futures in the workplace.

Below are the skills development objectives as clearly stated in the B-BBEE Codes of good practice:

  • to increase the levels of investment in education and training in the labour market and to increase the return on that investment;
  • to encourage employers – to use the workplace as an active learning environment;
  • to provide employees with the opportunities to acquire new skills;
  • to provide opportunities for new entrants to the labour market to gain work experience;
  • to employ persons who find it difficult to be employed;
  • to encourage workers to participate in learning programmes (internships, learnerships and apprenticeships);
  • to improve the employment prospects of persons previously disadvantaged by unfair discrimination and to redress those disadvantages through training and education;
  • to ensure the quality of learning in and for the workplace;
  • to assist – work-seekers to find work; retrenched workers to re-enter the labour market; employers to find qualified employees;
  • to provide and regulate employment services¨

Let’s clarify

Should a company not succeed in fostering skills development threshold compliance, it will be bound to be discounted at least one level of recognition on their scorecard.

In other words, if an establishment with an overall recognition at level 6 fails to meet the 40% skills development threshold, they will drop one level down to B-BBEE Level 7.

Business Lab offers a step by step model to efficiently provide skills development

Business Lab is your winning element of success.

We offer:

  • Local and internationally accredited programmes
  • Tailored programmes to meet your business requirements
  • Turnkey skills development training to assist your business with:
  • Recruitment
  • Training
  • Tax consultation during training programs
  • Our blended online learning is focused – avoiding downtime or loss of productivity.
  • We can train at any venue in the world
  • We are BBBEE aligned and accredited with all SETA claim back claim points on BBBEE scorecard.

Our solutions include a step by step business analysis plan for your business with a number of courses and training all under one roof – a one-stop business shop if you like.

Contact us and enjoy smart solutions for your B-BBEE skills development needs, joining forces in uplifting young South Africans by providing sustainable work opportunities.

Benefits of associating with the Business Lab

  • Free BBBEEE strategy and draft scorecards
  • Mentorship and coaching
  • Training
  • Sound business advise
  • Consultation
  • Monitorship and strategies