SETA (Skills Education Training Authority) accredited training entails that a skills development course is approved by one of the 21 industry specific SETAs. Each SETA sets specific standards for training providers which ensures the quality of the SETA accredited course. Once the attendee has completed the SETA accredited training, they will obtain recognition of competence that is recognised throughout the whole of South Africa. It confirms the level of proficiency and quality of training undertaken for current and future employers.

Therefore, the main benefit for employers is the knowledge that a certain standard has been set and adhered to by the course provider. The attendee has the benefit of knowing their training will be recognized throughout South Africa and can aim to complete a full Qualification Title if numerous courses have been successfully passed of the same qualification standard.

Will the company be able to recover the course costs from SARS?

According to the Skills Development Act (No 9 of 1999), any company registered in South Africa with an annual total payroll exceeding R500 000 per annum has to pay a skills levy of 1% of their monthly payrolls to SARS. The funds are used for education and training in businesses within various sectors, with the aim to expand the knowledge and competencies of their labour force.

If the company fulfils certain conditions, for example, a successful implementation of a Workplace Skills Plan, the company will be eligible to apply for a Mandatory Grant rebate of their skills levy. In addition, companies can apply for funds through Pivotal Programmes. The process differs between the SETAs and we recommend that you contact the relevant SETA directly for more information.

What does SETA, ETQA, SAQA and NQF stand for?

“SETA” stands for “Sector Education and Training Authority” in South Africa and are considered governmental assigned Education and Training Quality Assurance (ETQA) bodies. In total, 21 different SETA’s established under the Skills Development Act (RSA, 1998c) cover all sectors of the South African economy. They are concerned with quality assuring training and education in relevant industries.

For example, our Energy Efficiency Management and Water Efficiency Management courses are accredited with the Energy and Water Sector Education and Training Authority (EWSETA). Their job is to help implement the National Skills Development Strategy and to increase the skills of people in their specific sector. The overarching body of all Education and Training Quality Assurance (ETQA) bodies, i.e. SETAs is the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA).

The National Qualifications Framework (NQF) is managed by SAQA. It ensures quality and genuine qualification that is nationally benchmarked and internationally comparable. Each SAQA unit standard has an assigned NQF level and credits.

Will I have to pass any exams or assignments after the course to receive SETA accreditation?

There will be no exams after the course but a Portfolio of Evidence, i.e. an assignment package. It will be supplied to the participant after the course and includes a variety of questions and assignments. The answers have to be supplied back to us within 1 month of the course completion. The exact submission date will be given to the participant during the course. A successful completion of the course will be certified with a certificate of competency. Students will be able to resubmit their Portfolio of Evidence if the assessor deems the students as not yet competent.

Who will be assessing my assignment and decide if I have been found competent?

The Portfolio of Evidence will be assessed by a registered constituent Assessor and moderated by a registered constituent Moderator. Both will be specialists in the field and registered with an Education and Training Qualification Assurance (ETQA) body, i.e. industry specific SETA.

Will I receive a certificate after the course?

Each participant will receive a Certificate of Attendance after the course. A Certificate of Competency in compliance with the SAQA and SETA standard will be issued after successful completion of the Portfolio of Evidence.

Which SETAs accredit our courses?

  • Occupational Health and Safety Course

Health and Wellness Sector Education Training Authority (HWSETA)

  • Assessor Course

Manufacturing, Engineering and Related Services Sector Education Training Authority (MERSETA)

  • Moderator Course

Education, Training and Development Practice Sector Education Training Authority (ETDP)

  • Chainsaw Operator Course

Fibre Processing and Manufacturing Sector Education Training Authority (FPMSETA)

  • Plant Production

Agricultural Sector and Education Training Authority (Agri seta)

  • Plan a Municipal Budget

Local Government Sector Education Training Authority (LGSETA)

  • Skills Development Facilitator

Services Seta

To find out more on our seta accredited courses contact