Workplace skills planning and training

Now that your Workplace Skills Plan (WSP) is ready, how do you manage and implement it proactively? Developing a training schedule or workplace skills plan (WSP) each year to coordinate and direct the implementation of skills development interventions, is therefore of utmost importance for each organisation’s strategic goals when it comes to identifying proper skills [...]

By |2019-06-18T06:10:27+02:00July 9th, 2018|news|0 Comments

The Difference between DTI Funding and SETA Funding

Introduction Since 2002 Eskilz has offered financial aids to both individuals and corporate in the form of Personal Finance, DTI finding and SETA Funding. Unfortunately, We have continuously had a challenge of clients not understanding or miscommunication between DTI Funding and SETA Funding. So without further ado let's break it down. DTI Funding If you [...]

By |2019-06-18T06:10:59+02:00May 10th, 2018|news|0 Comments

Eskilz and their Skills Development and BBBEE aligned services

Eskilz Skills Development and BBBEE aligned services Understanding South Africa’s ever changing, dynamic economy is critical in recognising the skills development gap that is always one of the main reasons for our poor economy. Kamal Timmal, CEO of Eskilz, offers innovative training and development solutions to help upskill people through learnerships, nationally and offer businesses [...]

By |2018-01-23T13:19:57+02:00January 23rd, 2018|news|0 Comments