AgriSETA Discretionary Grant Application 2019/20

The Buisness Lab AgriSETA Grants AgriSETA Sector Education and Training Authority for the economic sub-sectors that include primary and secondary agriculture through the Skills Development Act of 1998. 2019 ACADEMIC YEAR & 2019/2020 FINANCIAL YEAR BURSARIES, INTERNSHIPS, LEARNERSHIPS AND ARTISAN DEVELOPMENT WINDOW PERIOD PLEASE NOTE Learnerships 18.1 and 18.2 applications are also to be included in [...]

By |2019-09-06T11:56:25+02:00September 6th, 2019|news|0 Comments

The Difference between DTI Funding and SETA Funding

Introduction Since 2002 Eskilz has offered financial aids to both individuals and corporate in the form of Personal Finance, DTI finding and SETA Funding. Unfortunately, We have continuously had a challenge of clients not understanding or miscommunication between DTI Funding and SETA Funding. So without further ado let's break it down. DTI Funding If you [...]

By |2019-06-18T06:10:59+02:00May 10th, 2018|news|0 Comments