FUNDING WINDOW 2020/21 FINANCIAL YEAR Opening Date: 01/09/2020 Closing Date: 25/09/2020 @ 16:30 WHO CAN APPLY? Employers in the energy and water sector are invited to submit DG Funding applications. WHAT CAN YOU APPLY FOR? FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES TARGET BENEFICIARIES? Learnerships Employed learners Skill Programmes (occupationally directed programmes) Unemployed learners Bursaries Recognition of Prior Learning (learnerships [...]

By |2020-09-09T07:56:19+02:00September 9th, 2020|news|0 Comments

2020/2021 Training Grant Open – Apply Now

2020 / 2021 Training Incentive Grant - Application Window Applications for this incentive is only opened to FASSET registered Employers If your company is planning to provide training to its staff between 1 April 2020 and 28 February 2021, Fasset would like to meet you halfway especially considering the COVID19 devastating economic impact. We encourage employers [...]

By |2020-08-24T08:13:46+02:00August 24th, 2020|news|0 Comments

AgriSETA Discretionary Grant Application 2019/20

The Buisness Lab AgriSETA Grants AgriSETA Sector Education and Training Authority for the economic sub-sectors that include primary and secondary agriculture through the Skills Development Act of 1998. 2019 ACADEMIC YEAR & 2019/2020 FINANCIAL YEAR BURSARIES, INTERNSHIPS, LEARNERSHIPS AND ARTISAN DEVELOPMENT WINDOW PERIOD PLEASE NOTE Learnerships 18.1 and 18.2 applications are also to be included in [...]

By |2019-09-06T11:56:25+02:00September 6th, 2019|news|0 Comments


The Energy and Water Sector Education and Training is a statutory body established in terms of the Skills Development Act (1998) as amended; to advance skills levels in accordance with the National Skills Development Strategy (NSDS) III. The SETA Grant Regulations (2012), as amended, prescribe that 80% of discretionary grant must be allocated to Professional, [...]

By |2019-06-18T06:10:23+02:00August 28th, 2018|news|0 Comments

The Impact of Enterprise Development in South Africa

Enterprise development is defined as the act of investing time and capital in helping people establish, expand or improve businesses. Enterprise development helps people to earn a living; it helps them out of poverty; and it leads to long-term economic growth for themselves, their families and their communities. Not only is enterprise development one of [...]

By |2019-06-18T06:10:25+02:00July 20th, 2018|news|0 Comments

Employment Equity in the Workplace

WHY THE EMPLOYMENT EQUITY ACT South Africa has a legacy of discrimination in relation to race, gender and disability that has denied access to opportunities for education, employment, promotion and wealth creation to the majority of South Africans. The Employment Equity Act was passed to address this legacy and has two main objectives— to ensure [...]

By |2019-06-18T06:10:26+02:00July 11th, 2018|news|0 Comments

Services SETA DG Funding

Services seta is inviting the following sectors to apply for discretionary grant funding: All suitable employers interested in hosting learners for bricklaying and mechanical fitter trades to apply for Discretionary grant funding. All suitable entities within the Management and Business Services Industry to host/ train learners in the Business and Management sector Registered trade unions [...]

By |2019-06-18T06:10:47+02:00June 20th, 2018|news|0 Comments


The BANKSETA will be opening funding windows and inviting qualifying employers to participate in projects for the 2018/2019 financial year. Please note that in all instances submission of Workplace Skills Plans by 30 April 2018 is a prerequisite for participation in projects and access to funding. The funding application window will be open until [...]

By |2019-06-18T06:10:48+02:00June 12th, 2018|news|0 Comments