Want to be really productive at work in 2018? 

Productivity is the combination of planning and staying focused. This is easier said than done says Kamal Timmal, CEO of Eskilz, a national group of companies helping business achieve compliance while assisting them in business services. 

At the end of every work day, the chances are that you are not fully satisfies with what you have done. There are always a few tasks sitting on your to-do list that have not been tackled as yet. 

Here are a few tips from the CEO of Eskilz:

Ask for help
If you are feeling overwhelmed, never feel bad to ask for help but in order to ask for help you need to trust your colleagues in helping you complete the work.  Communicate the deadlines with clear instructions of what needs to be done. Ensure that enough resources are available for them to complete the task at hand as efficiently as possible. 

Attend the meetings that coun
Every CEO knows, that Time = Money which translates into time being a currency.  While networking is very important it is also very time consuming and mentally draining. Try to set aside time for networking so that it does not take up too much of your time. Attending a meeting for a newsletter might not be that important. Allocate a day or two for meetings and the rest for actual tasks and meeting deadlines.  

To-do List
Work is also a mix of simple tasks mixed with more complicated ones. Try to create a to-do list and prioritise your tasks according to deadline, resources needed, planning and urgency. Do the simpler tasks first. Larger tasks should be broken down into multiple smaller tasks, if that makes things easier. 

Attend to emails
You will alwats have emails, at any point of the day. Block out time to respond to them. It might be morning and end of day or maybe 3 times a day but try to stick to these times or else you will find yourself checking your emails every hour, which means you have too much free time on your hands. Respond in batches. 

Say ”No” to distraction
Social media is the number one culprit. Try uninstalling social media from your smartphone, easiest way to stop being tempted.

Set ambitious yet realistic goals
People who set higher goals seem to be more satisfied than those who set lower ones. One of the major reasons why goals fail is because they don’t set a deadline.  Goals should be specific and written down. 

Morning Routine
Mornings at work can be hectic, where you just dive into emails and putting out fires. Find a few minutes to prepare for the day ahead and block out the world. Communicate this to your team and make is a ritual. 

Clutter can influence the way you think, your productivity and how you feel at your desk. When you are disorganised everything competes for your attention and makes it hard to work, understand, plan or even get one task complete properly.

Use these tips and it will definitely help you lead a more fulfilling, productive and happier work life.