The United Nations officially declared 18 July, the day of Mandela’s birth, as International Nelson Mandela Day. It is a global call to action that celebrates the idea that each individual has the power to transform the world, the ability to make an impact.

Nelson Mandela has fought for social justice for 67 years. People are urged to start with 67 minutes. It would be an honour to Madiba if such a day can serve to bring together people around the world to fight poverty and promote peace, reconciliation and cultural diversity, according to a statement issued on Mandela’s behalf.

  1. Make stationery packs (pens, stickers, coloured paper, scissors, etc.) for teachers at an under-resourced school;
  2. Help sort donated clothes at a charity organisation
  3. Volunteer your time
  4. Find your nearest SANBS donor site and give blood;
  5. Offer to fix things at a local school or organisation;
  6. Donate educational materials to any needy school
  7. Organise a fun outing for children in an HIV/Aids programme;
  8. Make “care kits”, including items such as a comb, toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, face cloth, and so on, for patients at a government hospital;
  9. Throw a tea party for the children and carers at a children’s home;
  10. Offer to mow the lawn and fix up the garden at a nursing home or hospice;
  11. Hold a teddy bear or book drive for a children’s home;
  12. Teach someone how to use a computer and the internet;
  13. Tutor someone who needs help learning your mother tongue;
  14. Donate your old computer to an under-resourced school;
  15. Tutor pupils from under-resourced schools;
  16. Offer to attend a high school class to talk to students about your career.

Or you can think out of the box and do something amazing for the next person or organisation, the whole idea behind Mandela Day is to inspire people to do good 356 days a year. Make everyday a Mandela Day.